Cosmic-Assisted Parenthood

Your child’s unique astrological fingerprint.
Connect deeper using their Whispers natal chart.

Here at


we empower you to approach your kid as a unique expression of the Universe, by translating their natal chart into a comprehensive and practical report.

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Every child is born with a unique cosmic essence that is imprinted in their birth chart.

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This platform isn't about predicting the future.

It's about equipping you with insights to better nurture your child's growth and development. Imagine being able to recognize and encourage their inherent talents with a more profound awareness of their divine strengths. Whether you're seeking to support their relationships, education, or emotional well-being, Whispers provides the tools to align your parenting approach with the cosmic patterns that shape your child's personality and mission.

Wishpers is a bridge between the mystical and the practical, between the universe and your family's daily reality. It's an invitation to embark on a journey of self-discovery for both you and your children, fostering connections that transcend the ordinary and venture into the cosmic.

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Personalized horoscope, useful information and fairy tales that reveal your child's potential

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